Graphic Design Thesis

As my time at school was coming to an end, I had one last chance to make an impact of my design. For my graphic design thesis, I focused on the topic of death. My goal was overall to approach death as something one should not be so fearful of. Over the first semester of my thesis I came to the conclusion that a healthy way we should all approach death is to: be educated, be prepared, and be open to conversations.

Over the course of the second semester I had to create a design solution for my topic. After researching about the culture, practices, and the industry of death I decided the best possible solution was to create a hypothetical death doula business.

For those who don’t know, a death doula helps one prepare for death. Not all death doulas are the same. Some specialize in holistic healing, while others specialize in counselling. Doulas can also help one gather their legal documents in order, such as wills, but they cannot officiate them; that is a lawyer’s job.

The final execution of the business, Guiding Spirit, was a website, account portal for the user to contact their doula, and of course a brand identity. The colours of the brand needed to stand out from the typical blues and whites from most grieving sites. These are somewhat muted to appeal to the target audience. The logo is of a circle to represent the cycle of life and the spirit one has.

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